Do you feel you have lost your passion for a job that you once wanted to do more than anything? And do you find yourself rethinking your career in the cosmetology industry? Could this be burnout? If so, I promise you are not alone.
Cosmetologists, nail technicians, and estheticians leave the profession all of the time. Often it is not because they do not like what they are doing.
Cosmetology is a fantastic profession because it offers you the opportunity to really connect with your clients and listen to them talk about life, business, and family. At the same time, you get to make them feel good about themselves before they leave the salon. That alone is very rewarding. But you may also have demanding clients, missed appointments, or jam-packed schedules that can bring out feelings of burnout.
You may not recognize that you are experiencing burnout for some time. Some feelings of possible burnout may be overlooked at first. You begin to feel more reluctant to go to work, feel dissatisfied with your job, or not feel the joy and excitement you once had for the profession and working with your clients.
Here are some tips on why you may be feeling this way and what you can do to get rid of these feelings.

Effective Tips For Easing Burnout
1. Exercise
Exercise is one of the best ways to prevent burnout. Studies show being physically active stimulates the release of endorphin hormones that boost the mood. Yes, you may be physically exhausted from standing at work, leaning over your pedicure stool, or holding the blow dryer. However,
If you are not physically active, you can start with basic exercises like taking 30 minutes of work, stretching, yoga, or lifting in the gym.
2. Take some time away from work to do something you enjoy
A vacation will not cure burnout.
However, everyone needs to take some time for self-care. This does not mean you need to plan a long or expensive trip. Sometimes it is just the act of taking some time out for yourself to simply relax. Since you are not enjoying work right now (It is okay to say that out loud), think about the things you do enjoy right now and do that. Maybe it is a massage, a walk in the woods, a beach day, a hike in the mountains, a concert, a night out camping, a new book, or even a nap. If you can afford it, consider a day trip, weekend trip, or take a week off just to do something the things you enjoy.
3. Spend time with your friends
Friends and family are often incredible gifts in our low moments, and there is no better way to enjoy a good time. If it has been a while since you enjoyed some laughs with friends or family, make it a point to get something scheduled on your calendar with people who know and love you best. They will not mind listening to your problems and giving you some friendly advice.
4. Stay away from toxic environments
Some salon environments are toxic, plain and simple. And I do not mean the air and chemicals. Employers, co-workers, and even clients can pull us into dramatic situations, unhealthy conversations, and relationships. They may be affecting your professional and personal outlook and emotions more than you know.
5. Find some new hobbies or rediscover old ones
Do you ever think, “Oh, I used to love doing that!” It’s easy to neglect some of our hobbies because of work. When I was building my business, I discovered it (working, marketing, and social media posting) was taking all of my time. I thought I would just consider that my hobby. However, that was not really what was best and led to my first feelings of burnout. You need to find activities that are not job-related to help give your brain some needed downtime.
If you don’t have any hobbies, start by researching your interests. Make a journal of things you want to learn or do. Today, you can take classes online on just about anything. But, it is also fun to get out there and learn with others too. Here is a list of hobbies to help you get started.
6. Consider therapy
Mental health is finally starting to get the attention it needs, including professional fatigue and burnout. Professional help/therapy isn’t just for your personal problems, it can be helpful for professional problems too. Talking to a therapist about your feelings of burnout may help provide you with some needed insight and direction.
7. Review your boundaries
This was one of the most important suggestions I have. Are you having trouble saying “no” to clients, constantly staying late to accommodate demanding clients, or just feeling drained by your job? If so, please read this article for some suggestions on improving your professional boundaries.
8. Make a professional change
It is okay to change your job, location, scenery, update your education with a new technique, or to stop offering services you do not like to do.
There are so many different opportunities in the salon that do not require you to go back to school for years. Have you thought about adding another professional skill, such as massage therapy, instructing cosmetology students, microblading, esthetics, nail technology, or yoga instruction? Really, there are so many possibilities are out there.
I hope this has helped you see that your feelings are normal, but that you also are in control of helping things change. There are so many solutions. Just take the time to find one that is best for you. Take care!
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